Virginia is a retired community college instructor now in her second career as a certified professional coach specializing in transitions, especially into retirement and aging. She helps individuals discover the opportunities retirement can bring to reignite old passions and discover new ones, deepen relationships, take care of health, share skills and wisdom in service to others, and have fun. A trained Conscious Aging Facilitator, Virginia also leads workshops for those interested in examining their emotional, physical, and spiritual responses to the challenges and opportunities of aging.


Assessment and debrief  The first step in the coaching process is to evaluate where clients are now and what areas they’d like to focus on. Virginia will recommend one of the following assessments:

Energy Leadership Index– This online assessment measures the overall energy level clients show up with on a “normal” day and when they are under stress.

Life Options Profile – This online assessment shows how well clients are prepared for retirement success in six different areas, such as health and wellness, family and relationship, finances and insurance.


ONE ON ONE COACHING PACKAGES-Individual one-hour coaching sessions can be held in person at Virginia’s Kensington location, by phone, or by Skype or Zoom. Packages generally include 3 sessions a month, free email access, 15 minute SOS calls, and exercises and other resources based on the client’s needs.


GROUP COACHING CIRCLES-Though circle designs vary, a typical group of 6-12 meets twice a month in a comfortable setting for two hours of discussion and group coaching on a theme of common interest. Participants also receive an individual coaching session each month.


CONSCIOUS AGING WORKSHOPS – A series of two-hour workshops developed by the Institute of Noetic Sciences and facilitated by Virginia at Oasis and other venues. This emotional wellness program helps participants cope with the stresses of aging and harvest the opportunities to grow in wisdom and joy through reflection, journaling, and small and large group discussions.


DISCUSSION GROUPS – Virginia leads weekly discussion groups on topics related to retirement and aging through Oasis and other venues. The group may be based on a book, such as Life Smart after 50! , Life Reimagined, and It’s Never Too Late To Begin Again.


PRESENTATIONS – Virginia gives talks related to retirement, aging, and other life transitions at Oasis, churches, senior centers, Osher Lifelong Learning, Y Adults, and other venues. Past topics have been the following:

“Five Keys to a More Fulfilling Retirement”,

“Retirement Time: Do and Be What You Love!”,

“Conscious Aging: Positive, Purposeful, and Connected”,

“Wellbeing for your Encore Years: Boost your Energy for the Best Performance Yet”

“Cycling through Life’s Transitions”

“Wake up to Ageism and Push Back”


Schedule a Complimentary 45-minute coaching session with Virginia

  • Explore your vision for the future
  • Set a SMART Goal
  • Learn more about Virginia’s coaching services

To schedule your session email or call (619) 787-3099.